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Multiple filed against under Plan Scope

2 answers

If I understand your question, this is not possible, and tends to indicate that your work breakdown isn't fine grained enough.
The best way to approach this is to have parent and child items, with the parent representing the end to end feature and child items files broken down against separate categories.

Thank you for your feedback.
For "The best way to approach this is to have parent and child items, with the parent representing the end to end feature and child items files broken down against separate categories." could you please let me know how this could be done?
Is it by setting the Display as "Tree, Parent -> Children" ?

OK I now think I didn't understand your question!
So you are looking at displaying work items within a plan, not associating work items themselves with more than one Filed Against?

I would suggest to get into more details what you want to do and not how you want to do that. E.g. it is not clear what do you mean with plan scope and what it means in your context.
If Plan Scope is related to the field in plan details, what that does is to filter work items by some criteria. See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/RTCPlanLoadingBestPractices#Plan_Scope
So, from the total work items shown in the plan, Plan Scope filters the ones that do not match the criteria. You can provide multiple terms as described when you hover over the field. However the conditions appear to be combined with AND. If you provide multiple filed against, no work item qualifies, because a work item can only be filed against one category.
A filed against/category maps to a project/team area. If you chose the plan owner to have child process areas, you can show multiple owned by/categories and you can also group by category.
So, what do you really want to achieve?
A filed against/category maps to a project/team area. If you chose the plan owner to have child process areas, you can show multiple owned by/categories and you can also group by category.
So, what do you really want to achieve?