RTC Calculated Script Clarification

Is it possible to have RTC Calculated Script for the below using enumerations. where Factor A to Factor H are having specific values, where in the below calculation is done and the result would be a Read-only Enumeration on a specific state.
5 answers

The question is barely readable and does not make any sense to me. It should be easy enough to create a presentation and a pseudo algorithm that explains what you want.
Regardless, it is possible to create a calculated value for an enumeration attribute. The editor presentation for that attribute can be read only. The calculated value can access other attributes and operate on their values.

(function ()
dojo.declare("com.ibm.alinma.rtc.calculatedScript.evaluationresult", null,
getValue: function (attribute, workItem, configuration)
var WorkItemAttributes = com.ibm.team.workitem.api.common.WorkItemAttributes;
var A = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.A");
var B = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.B");
var C = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.C");
var D = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.D");
var E = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.E");
var F = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.F");
var G = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.G");
var H = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.H");
var Result = workItem.getLabel("com.ibm.team.workitem.initiative.customattribute.samplePA.EvaluationResult")
var total = 0;
if (A === "Yes" )
A_Value = 25;
else if (A === "No" || A === "Unassigned")
A_Value = 0;
if (B === "Yes" )
B_Value = 25;
else if (B === "No" || B === "Unassigned")
B_Value = 0;
if (C === "Yes" )
C_Value = 25;
else if (C === "No" || C === "Unassigned")
C_Value = 0;
if (D === "Yes" )
D_Value = 25;
else if (D === "No" || D === "Unassigned")
D_Value = 0;
if (E === "Yes" )
E_Value = 5;
else if (E === "No" || E === "Unassigned")
E_Value = 0;
if (F === "Yes" )
F_Value = 5;
else if (F === "No" || F === "Unassigned")
F_Value = 0;
if (G === "Yes" )
G_Value = 5;
else if (G === "No" || G === "Unassigned")
G_Value = 0;
if (H === "Yes" )
H_Value = 5;
else if (H === "No" || H === "Unassigned")
H_Value = 0;
// Criteria Contribution Weights:
// 1. A 25%
// 2. B 25%
// 3. C 25%
// 4. D 5%
// 5. E 5%
// 6. F 5%
// 7. G 5%
// 8. H 5%
// TOTAL 100%
var totalPriority = (A_Value + B_Value + C_Value + D_Value + E_Value + F_Value + G_Value + H_Value);
if (totalPriority >= 50 )
EvaluationResult = "DropeDown1";
else if (totalPriority < 50)
EvaluationResult = "DropeDown2";

I would suggest you carefully read https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/11/25/ewm-attribute-customization-introduction/ and maybe look into the documentation, workshop(s) and examples.

Thanks Ralph
var total = A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H;
if (total >= 50 )
EvaluationResult = "AA";
else if (totalPriority < 50)
EvaluationResult = "BB";
return EvaluationResult;

There is not enough information to do a lot. Issue:
- You use total and totalPriority to compare. The latter variable does not exist.
- Make sure that the value of the attribute you calculate here has all other attributes as dependency.

There is a small mistake as "total" and "totalPriority" are the only comparison criteria
var A = 0;
var H = 0;
var total = 0;
var EvaluationResult = 0;
if (Req1 === "Yes" ) { A = 25; } else if (Req1 === "No" || Req1 === "Unassigned")
{ A = 0; }
if (Req8 === "Yes" ) { H = 5; } else if (Req8 === "No" || Req8 === "Unassigned")
{ H = 0; }
var total = A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H;
if (total >= 50 )
EvaluationResult = "AA";
else if (total < 50)
EvaluationResult = "BB";
return EvaluationResult;