How to access REST API of ALM to upload documents in attachments field ???

Hello All,
I am having requirement to upload the estimation report generated outside the ALM directly to the Attachments .
I got to know that this can be done using ALM Rest API.
But as I am new to this can anyone give the details for the same like how to access the ALM REST API.
Do I need to develop an API or it is given by the ALM itself ???
If It is given then can you please provide the details like how to access this API??
What are the other neccessary things that I need to study so that I can get help from them ??
Please anyone who knows about this let me know about same ...
Thank you in addvance.
Accepted answer

This is a blog post that I wrote about uploading attachments:
It is possible to use the Java API of EWM. The code and links to how to set up your environment is in the blog.
It is possible to use the Web APIs to upload attachments, however, I do not have an example. I linked to some forum questions that discuss using the Web APIs. Note that some of the descriptions might use internal unsupported API's.
David Honey
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 23 '23, 5:20 a.m.Which ELM application is this for? EWM?
Akash Kaanholkar
Jan 23 '23, 5:24 a.m.Yes, It is