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Is it safe to delete /tmp/versionedcontentservice folder?

I see /tmp/versionedcontentservice folder is 166 GB size. Due to it we are running out of space. Is it safe to remove some of the files from this folder?
This folder configured in https://jazz.URL/ccm/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.configureAdvanced
at versionedcontentservice
This folder growing day by day. Can we set some limitation and delete the older files?
Any impact if we delete this folder?
One answer

My understanding from https://www.google.com/search?q=delete+versionedcontentservice+site%3Ajazz.net is, that this folder is used to store temporary data uploaded during certain operations such as SCM checkin.
The answers and articles indicate that you can not delete the folder while the server is running. You can define different locations in the teamserver.properties/advanced properties. This requires a server restart. https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/check-or-deliver-code-using-rational-team-concert-results-vcstmpdir-error-message
1. Move the folder to a more convenient place.
2. Do not delete the folder or its content while the server is running.
3. To get rid of the data, I would shut down the server and then empty the folder, the documentation indicates this would be tolerated.
If you want to make sure, open a case with support.

Thank you Ralph. If we stop the server and then clean this folder will not impact or loose the data right?
IBM support guy mentioned as below so we should not delete it. But this folder growing every day a lot.
I was talking with our Advanced Support, and it doesn't recommend deleting these files, because these folders store the work items attachments such as build results, process definitions, and team member photos, etc.

This is a forum. No guarantees. If you want a definitive answer, open a case with IBM support. Having said that, my understanding, from what I found in the forum and on support pages is, that
- The contentservice and versionedcontentservice folder is used by the server to temporarily store data e.g. during uploads of attachments or big files during SCM operations.
- The contentservice and versionedcontentservice folder can be changed requiring a reboot.
When the folder can be changed, my conclusion is, that the server does no longer require the data in the old folder. I would change the location of the temp folder and reboot. Then I would rename the old folder and monitor the log files. If there are no issues, delete the old folder. I would ask support if it was a good idea to have some purging done on the folder in case of reboots of the application server. Maybe delete the content of the folder and not the folder itself during a reboot?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 15 '22, 11:56 a.m.I'd consider to create a support case.
I remember I deleted the folder once and it was complaining. That could be because I had the server running, but you want to make sure.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 15 '22, 11:58 a.m.Also see https://www.google.com/search?q=delete+versionedcontentservice+site%3Ajazz.net