how to export all test scripts under a test plan to individual pdf file?
my project structure is
Master test plan prj ABC
- child test plan A
- test suites AA to AK
- test case AA001
- test script AA001-01
- test script AA001-02
- test case AB001
- test script AB001-01
- test script AB001-02
- child test plan B
- test suites BA to BP
- test case BA001
- test script BA001-01
- test script BA001-02
- test case BB001
- test script BB001-01
- test script BB001-02
I wanted to generate pdf for all test scripts AA001-01 ,AA001-02, AB001-01, AB001-02, BA001-01, BA001-02, BB001-01, BB001-02.
how do I filter them and export them at one go?