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Restrict editing of fields, in custom tab.

ronaldo mazuhim (11) | asked Apr 24 '22, 8:26 p.m.

Boa noite, eu tenho um tipo de worktiem, que tem uma guia, de um desenvolvimento legado, que não podemos identificar onde está parametrizados suas configurações,Precisamos fazer algumas alterações nesta página, como restrição de entrada de dados, há algum lugar que possa ajudar nessa investigação?

Don Yang commented Apr 25 '22, 12:19 a.m.
Not sure what version of RTC it is.
From google translate:
Good evening, I have a type of worktiem, which has a tab, from a legacy development, that we cannot identify where its settings are parameterized, we need to make some changes on this page, such as data entry restriction, is there somewhere that can help in this investigation
I think you can use RTC Eclipse client to navigate to that specific tab
and make the attributes readonly or you can remove that tab all together.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 25 '22, 3:06 a.m.
edited Apr 25 '22, 3:10 a.m.

 It is not mentioned anywhere, but I think it is safe to say that this is an English forum. I would suggest to ask the question in English. I usually delete questions in foreign languages, since I have seen so many being spam.

In general, the TABs of the work item editor presentation are configured for each work item type in the editor presentation customization section of the administrative UI. They can be configured in the Web as well as the Eclipse client. In the Web UI each tab is shown for selection.

It is irrelevant which tab shows an attribute. There is no tab based read only configuration I am aware of. You could make all these attributes read only, you can also remove the permission to edit these attributes in the permissions settings.  

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