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How do you replace a DOORS Next (RM) baseline in GCM without loosing all links?

Stefan E (132) | asked Apr 04 '22, 5:16 a.m.
edited Apr 04 '22, 6:32 a.m.


We are evaluating DOORS Next and Global Configuration Management (GCM) for a complex project with multiple stakeholders and subsystems involved. 
A baseline of a "system requirement specification" (SRS) is planned to be created by a a central core RM team and thereafter distributed to remote subsystems where "subsystem requirements specifications" (SSRS) are produced.

Below is a simple scenario with only one subsystem:
The subsystem adds the most recent SRS RM baseline next to their SSRS RM stream in their GCM stream. When the SSRS requirements are being worked on and produced they are also linked to a corresponding (baselined) SRS requirement to maintain traceability.
The problem arises after a few weeks when the core team has corrected a few CRs in the SRS and creates a new baseline. The subsystem now has to replace the old SRS baseline with the new one in GCM to bring in the latest requirement changes. Howevever, once the SRS baseline is replaced in GCM all links from the SSRS stream to the SRS have disappeared..

The scenario above is very similar to the one described this article: ...with the addition that the the RM baseline called "SGC MTM 1.1 Development" is replaced by a newer baseline, eg "SGC MTM 1.2 Development" and links no longer available. 

Can you please help us understand how we should work with DOORS Next and GCM streams in this scenario?


Accepted answer

permanent link
David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Apr 04 '22, 8:37 a.m.
Are the RM configurations SRS RM baseline and SSRS RM stream configurations of the same component, or of different components?

If they are configurations of the same component, it's unlikely you would want them both in the same GC hierarchy  because that would introduce component skew in that GC hierarchy, and the first RM configuration for that component that appears is the one that would be effective.

If they are configurations of different components, then you should be able to replace SRS RM baseline with a later baseline in the GC hierarchy, say SRS RM baseline2 . The links in the SSRS RM stream to requirements in the SRS RM baseline would be to concept resources, and then resolved in the context of the context GC configuration. If that GC now uses a later baseline SRS RM baseline2 then those links should resolve to the versions of those requirements selected by SRS RM baseline2.

When you say the links are from the SSRS stream, I assume you mean the links are from requirements that are in that stream, rather than literally links from the stream itself. The directionality of links is important. Typically, a the requirement that "owns" the link is the "from", and it references amother resource (the "to"). How links are viewed in applications like DN depends on the direction and where the source and target of the link are located. For example, one might create a validatesRequirement link on a test case (which "owns" the link) referencing a requirement. When you view the test case in ETM, it can display the link and resolve it to a specific version of that requirement if you have selected a GC context that provides both the ETM configuration and DN c onfiguration. However, as seen in DN, that requirement may show an incoming link (sometimes called a back-link). DN discovers that by quering LDX. It cannot discover it locally because it doesn't manage the test case that owns that link. So the way that links are discovered may depend on the directionality of the link, and from which end (source or target) that you are viewing.

There's insufficient information in your post to diagnose further. You may want to raise a ticket with IBM Rational support.

Stefan E selected this answer as the correct answer

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