Accessing workitem field value with Reportable Rest API

I am looking to access RTC workitems and data using Reportable Rest API.
gets me a list of WorkItem Ids
I am checking by calling the APIs from a browser that has Jazz logged in to, on another tab.
But with call to
I expected to get the summary field value of the WorkItem 72616
But am getting
<workitem Version="1.0.0" rel="next" href="[id=72416]/(summary)?id=_o2cawJoFEeyJZPe3CV5vPQ&size=100&pos=100"/>
Could you please help correct the above, or share the next step
that would get the actual field values.
Accepted answer

As far as I am aware you select the items using the query e.g.[id=1] selects the work item with ID 1 selects all work items.
For the item type you have selected (work item), this item type has common built in attributes. You select to output them using ().
E.g. | summary) returns all work items with their id and summary. There are more complex elements supported. e.g. approvalDescriptors. You can select them for the work item and return the value by a nested
statement. E.g.
statement. E.g.|summary|approvalDescriptors/(id)) would show the work item id, summary and the ID for all approval descriptors.

I just published this post with some examples:

Hi Ralph,
Thanks for the quick response.
With the help of these details, I have got individual workitem details using the below URL format
This has fetched the field values of an individual Id.