Extracting data from one system to import to another and include all attachments
Is there any such feature that anybody has built to do this - we are building a new CLM / ELM system and as they are completely different silo's, we cannot migrate one to the other (the source being 5.0.2) - so the only alternative we can see is by exporting out and importing - but as we also have a lot of attachments they must be retained.
Kinda hoping that somewhere along the line a utility was provided to either do an export TAR or alternatively a command line for copy from source to destination
One answer
Karen, you can try to look into the work item command line. It allows to export work items into CSV and it allows to export attachments from work items. It allows the import of work items from CSV and that can include the attachments when they where exported.
You can find the WCL here: https://github.com/jazz-community/work-item-command-line
No promises, I have not tested this for a while, but I know that others have used similar approaches.
The WCL supports a different format than the built in RTC formants (can use flag -asrtc to use RTC format).
The not RTC format is easier to map and the import supports multiple phases of the import to first create work items and then to link these items.
Also note The Creation date and the creator can not be recreated by WCL.