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GitLab integration with ELM

GURVINDER SOKHI (731941) | asked Jan 31 '22, 4:16 a.m.

 We are potentially looking at integration GitLab with IBM ELM such that GitLab will be used for version control (instead of EWM). I am trying to assess any negative impacts to IBM ELM suite as result of GitLab integration into IBM ELM. For example, IBM EWM component concept of reuse will be lost as GitLab doesn’t offer version control components unlike EWM.

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I would appreciate if anyone explored the option to integrate GitLab with IBM ELM and can share their pros and cons.  <o:p> </o:p>

3 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Feb 01 '22, 8:47 a.m.

You can establish links between EWM work items and git commits / merge requests, which helps with planning flow-down and status roll-up traceability. However the amount of querying/reporting you can do with ELM querying/reporting tools is significantly less when using GitLab/GitHub compared to the integrated EWM SCM and build.

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GURVINDER SOKHI (731941) | answered Feb 01 '22, 8:53 a.m.

 Thanks for the feedback.  I would appreciate answers to below four questions. I assume it will be NO for all of them?

1) Is Global Configuration support using GitLab integration with ELM ?
2) Is EWM Code Review capability support sing GitLab integration with ELM ?
3) Is JRS support using GitLab integration with ELM ?
4) is ELM lifecylcle project (LPA) full traceability supported using GitLab integration with ELM ?

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Feb 01 '22, 8:59 a.m.

 >>> I assume it will be NO for all of them?

That's correct.

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