CLM 6.0.4 support for MS SQL Server 2019
Can anyone please advise whether CLM 6.0.4 has support for MS SQL Server 2019?
KC and the clarity reports are not showing anything for this.
The old link for Clarity Report for CLM 6.0.4 does not work.|D007|D006|D008|S002|S009&mandatoryCapIds=30|9|24|35|13|132|42|19|16|26|40&optionalCapIds=133|66|135|7|5|12|1|187|136|19|137|27|4|D007|D006|D008|S002|S009&mandatoryCapIds=30|9|24|35|13|132|42|19|16|26|40&optionalCapIds=133|66|135|7|5|12|1|187|136|19|137|27|4
Accepted answer
You need to be on at least 6.0.6 for MS SQL Server 2019 support (we recommend if you aren't ready to move to V7). See blog posts here on in the last year for more info / other considerations re: using SQL Server. Can be Standard or Enterprise.