Fetch an artifact with a specific section from DNG
I m trying to fetch an artifact fron DNG with a specific section. My module has more than 4000 artifacts and to fetch the whole module and serach for the section I nedd to get is very complex and the paging option is alos not clear for me.
Is it possible to add the section as a query pamaeter in any API for DNG?
What is the right way to read the complete module using the paging possibilty?
The URl I use to fecth the module right now is:
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
That's a big module - you might want to consider splitting it into smaller modules just to make it easier/quicker to view, to manage changes and reduce changeset dependency, etc. And with a smaller module then you won't have so many pages of results so easier to process using whatever API.
Your URL is a call to the DOORS Next Reportable REST API https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DNGReportableRestAPI
This returns the entire module structure, which can't be filtered by the API. If the result is paged then each page has a link to the URL for next page in the opening tag as attributes rel="next" and href= url for next page, for example in bold:
<ds:dataSource xmlns:ds="http://jazz.net/xmlns/alm/rm/datasource/v0.1"
To get more granularity you could use the OSLC APIs. You would find the project/component/configuration, then perhaps search for the module using OSLC Query. Once you've got the module you can get its structure and then selectively retrieve the artifacts you want.
There's a summary/example of how to find project/component/configuration(at the OSLC API level, not code) in my answer here https://jazz.net/forum/questions/266334/dng-oslcfetch-components-from-project-area
The Module structure API is documented here: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DNGModuleAPI
Note the module API doesn't give you section/heading numbers, AFAIK these are calculated not permanently stored, likely because they have to change as you change the structure.
I've found the Module Structure API to be a bit fussy about which headers/query parameters it works with, so ensure that you:
- Don't construct the structure URL, get it from the module definition by doing a GET on the module URL using the following settings, and also use these settings to retrieve the module structure itself:
- Provide header (capitalised exactly like this)
- DoorsRP-Request-Type: public 2.0
- Do NOT provide header OSLC-Core-Version
- Provide the configuration using header vvc.configuration and NOT using header Configuration-Context or query ?oslc_config.context - so it must be a local configuration URL not a global configuration
See my answer here for more detail: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/278116/get-module-structure-uri-via-rest-api/278122
There's an example written in Python of using the module structure API to retrieve the structure in either JSON or RDF and then print a heading-indented view of the module, in my OSS elmclient on github. NOTE the section number calculation hasn't been fully checked/verified in this demo, you'll have to confirm it works for you and fix if necessary. See https://github.com/IBM/ELM-Python-Client/blob/master/elmclient/examples/dn_simple_modulestructure.py