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How to set the value for Boolean attribute in RTC plugin

gaurao khadse (15114) | asked Oct 18 '21, 6:46 a.m.

 Hello All,

I am able to set value as true if it is false.
But when i am trying to set value as false and current value is true. its not working.

if (ele.equalsIgnoreCase((String)pair.getValue()))

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 18 '21, 7:31 a.m.

 I am getting really frustrated recently with the quality of the questions in this forum, especially API questions. If someone wonts others to spend valuable time to try to answer their questions, I think it can be expected that the question provides as much information as possible in the first place.  How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers? is what I would expect. Instead the questions are getting shorter and shorter and there seems to be an expectation that additional info can be provided in subsequent comments.

So here my answer based on what is communicated and I will likely not get back to this question.

The tagging is completely incorrect.

"But when I am trying to set value as false and current value is true. its not working." does not explain anything. There is no information what the expectation would be, or if there is an error.

The code you share does not make a lot of sense. There is a stray closing bracket in the middle and the second if is dead code for all I can tell. 

The workingCopy is never saved e.g. in a WorkitemOperation and the new work item state is never retrieved. So why would the value change? 

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