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Stored Queries - Get the sharing property

ronen r (2152) | asked Dec 01 '09, 3:40 a.m.
I need to get the seperation of the queries type: "My Query","Shared Query - Predefined" and "Shared Query - Individually Shared"

I'm using REST API.
I know who to get the user queries by:

https://localhost:9443/jazz/oslc/queries.xml?oslc_cm.query=rtc_cm:projectArea="_JvoYIK2vEd6wr5OgrMF4rQ" and dc:creator="{currentUser}"

However, if the user is the same user that create the project than the shared queries olso be in the same creator name.
Is there a way to get this seperation by REST API?

3 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Dec 03 '09, 2:53 p.m.
rronen178 wrote:
I need to get the seperation of the queries type: "My
Query","Shared Query - Predefined" and "Shared
Query - Individually Shared"

I'm using REST API.
I know who to get the user queries by:

and dc:creator="{currentUser}"

However, if the user is the same user that create the project than the
shared queries olso be in the same creator name.
Is there a way to get this seperation by REST API?

Currently, the sharing information is not available, unfortunately. The
query parts of the OSLC API are also quite preliminary and not
documented yet, IIRC.

Jazz Work Item Team

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Paul Romanus (3355) | answered May 30 '13, 10:11 a.m.
If/can anyone give an example of how to query for the ./internalAssociations/target@itemId value of a queryDescriptor from the oslc queries uri ?

As in the <query:QueryDescriptor> I can see effect of sharing a query with a projectArea as the addition of an <internalAssociation> element with its <target itemId> attribute set to the oid of the projectArea e.g:

<creator itemId="_KGRY4CFWEdq-WY5y7lROQw" stateId="_Z9AoECFWEdqvE47yzajdrw"/>

<creator itemId="_KGRY4CFWEdq-WY5y7lROQw" stateId="_Z9AoECFWEdqvE47yzajdrw"/>
<role xsi:nil="true"/>
<target itemId="_xil9QHQ2EeKXEft1yU9dAA" stateId="_TkBsxcexEeK5yueg5Gj2lg" xsi:type="process:ProjectAreaHandle"/>

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Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | answered May 14 '14, 9:10 p.m.
Has this been resolved in the past year? I need to filter out non-shared queries from the OSLC query list - either by adding a filter parameter to the URL or by checking the results for a flag.

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