DNG 7.02 Howto split large modules into several components with smaller modules

3 answers

Hi Thomas,

Hi Bartosz,


Hi Amit,

Hi Amit,

I follow step 1 and step 2. After step 2, are you changing the GC and removing the original source configuration and replacing it with the 2 new target configurations?

Klonen Sie keine Artefakte zwischen zwei Komponenten, die sich in derselben globalen Konfiguration befinden (werden).

I suggest we get on a web session, as I think you need to see the process for accomplishing your use case. I know this is possible as I have done it in the past. Please email me and let me know a time that you are available.

ok, I am going to contact you by atalwar@us.ibm.com

in the source component, initial situation is one very large module.

I disagree with this approach. The streams of all of the new components should be in a global stream, so that the system prevents you from making the mistake of cloning a single artifact to more than one of your components. This warning will only occur if the streams of all of your new components have been added to a global stream before you start the cloning process. Please see my answer for the recommended approach.