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Links shown in Pending Changes View

Michele Pegoraro (1.8k14119103) | asked Nov 24 '09, 8:13 a.m.
I've discovered that in the pending changes view, the work items associated to a change-set are not only the "" link type. It seems a strange behaviour because it works different from work item editor.

In my scenario I've developed two new type of link between change-sets and work-items. I've provide my plugin on server but I don't provide the plugin to clients because the new links are used for administrative task. In this way the users can see only the default link type on Links page of work item.
But on the pending changes view all the three kind of link are shown with the same representation. So, if I have a change-set linked to a work-item three times with the three different link types, I will see my change-set associated three times with the same work-item.

So my question is: why is there this difference of behaviour? And, how can clients see my link types if I don't have provided the plugin?

Other point is: from a client in which I've provided the plugin I can see all the links types from Links tab in work-item editor. And I can remove the link also. But in this case, if I remove it, it remains on pending changes view. Do I develop a specific postop plugin that removes the links from the change-set too?

Thanks for any answer,


One answer

permanent link
Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Dec 01 '09, 6:51 a.m.
Clients see your link types even when you haven't added a server side plug-in because links are created and managed by a link manager. Any component can query which links target or are the source of any object.

In theory a link removal will generate an event. What happens when you refresh the pending changes view?

In fact, I'm still a bit surprised that this would work as we've never tested change-set to other work item link types and don't really support it yet.


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