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How to Get Included Work Item ID in Builds

Kurtulus YILDIRIM (681122) | asked Mar 08 '21, 12:20 p.m.


One of my customer uses an extension to trigger a build when a work item reaches a specific state (actually it is the extension in RTC extension lab). The build has post-delivery options to deploy successful build outcomes with UrbanCode Deploy. That part works fine. However, my customer asks to move the work item which is included in build to next state after successful deployment. In that case, I have to pass work item ID in builds to UrbanCode Deploy (UCD) and use UCD RTC plugin to move it to next state. However, I couldn't find the required build parameter for work item ids.
Could you please help me?
Thank you.

Lakshmi Narasimhan T V commented Mar 12 '21, 5:43 a.m.
Hi Kurtulus,

To clarify, do you need the work items included in a given build through API? If yes, you can enumerate the build result contributions looking for a contribution with extended type id as "fixedWorkItems" and get the work item handles from there.  Another option is to use the ILinkService to query for included in build links for a given build result reference.

Kurtulus YILDIRIM commented Mar 12 '21, 7:16 a.m.

Hi Lakshmi,

Actually, no. I need work items included in given build as a build property, not through an API.
Thank you. 

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 12 '21, 7:20 a.m.

Hi Kurtulus,

I still do not understand what you are asking for. You might want to spend some time in editing and clarifying your initial question.

Accepted answer

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Kurtulus YILDIRIM (681122) | answered Apr 06 '21, 1:08 p.m.
edited Apr 06 '21, 1:09 p.m.


I added a property (RTCBuildResultUUID=${buildResultUUID}) to build definition which helps me to pass build  result UUID to UrbanCode Deploy as a component version property. I also developed a utility with RTC's Plain Java API. The utility finds included work items in build according to buildResultUUID  and change their status. I added that utility as UCD component process step. That solved my question/problem.
Thank you.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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