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What is extensionService used for?

Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | asked Nov 22 '09, 5:53 p.m.
I am playing around with Follow-up operations and Event Handlers. Both
extension points support extensionService child. What is this used for?
I understand the class set at parent level (operationParticipant and
eventHandler) can do the work...?

Thanks in advance,


2 answers

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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Nov 25 '09, 8:18 a.m.
On Sun, 22 Nov 2009 23:46:48 +0100, Chemi wrote:

I am playing around with Follow-up operations and Event Handlers. Both
extension points support extensionService child. What is this used for?
I understand the class set at parent level (operationParticipant and
eventHandler) can do the work...?

Thanks in advance,


The class JavaDoc on IChangeEventHandler tries to explain this. The
extensionService element is needed if your event handler wants to get
access to other services (for example, IRepositoryItemService).

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

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SEC Servizi (97123860) | answered Aug 21 '13, 9:56 a.m.
The extensionService element is needed if your event handler wants to get access to other services (for example, IRepositoryItemService).
In which case the eventHandler class could/should be different from the extensionService implementationClass?
<extension point="">
     name="Example Save Handler">
         <requiredService interface=""/>
         <requiredService interface=""/>
Besides, what does the extensionService componentId attribute stand for?
Thanks in advance.

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