Programmatically Fetch Work item depending upon Custom Attribute value

Hello Everyone,
I want to fetch Work item by matching custom attribute value,so kindly guide me ,how we can achieve these.I know ,we can achieve these by using OSLC ,Reportable rest API or Query API.I Know we can get data by iterating all Work item data of specific work item type,but I don't want to iterate the whole Work item,so kindly guide me how we can achieve these by directly matching the Attribute value from all the Workitems of that project Area.
Thanks and Regards,
One answer

You could use a predefined query for this. You can run predefiened queries
- Using REST APIS.
- Using Java APIs.
You can use the Java API to create expressions or queries and then run said query/expression.
You can try using OSLC Queries vor an attribute value, if this works depends on the queryability of the attribute.
Without more context, this is all I am able to provide.