Code Review Issue Missing If Change Set Removed

I have a scenario where an issue where a "must fix" issue was raised in code review. The developer removed the change set from the code review to resolve the issue, so now the modified file is no longer part of the review. However now the issue is no longer accessible. I can't approve the code review because there is an unresolved must fix issue, but since the issue is no longer accessible we can't update the issue to resolve it. Is there a way to resolve this?
One answer

Orphaned issues are ignored in determining whether the reviewer can approve the review or not. As a process, the developer should start a new review cycle (by clicking Resubmit button in WebUI) after removing the change set from review. Once a new review cycle has started, reviewer should be able to approve the review. Please let me know if you are still not able to approve the review. Also specify EWM version details in that case.