Can we export the process and project template from version of DNG and import it in 7.0.1 DNG and use?

We are in process of updating the CLM to ELM 7.0.1.
In meantime we had some changes in Process and Project template, which we did in test environment.
Now when we try to export the template from test environment ( and import it in actual environment (7.0.1) we had some issues like the Apply Project template is not enabled for any user roles.
Similar issue is noticed when we tried to do the activity vice versa
So please clarify can we make the changes in CLM DNG, export the template and import it in 7.0.1 ELM environment.
Accepted answer

You should not expect it to work if you import a template exported from a different release. If it works, it's probably an accident. I don't believe it's a tested/supported scenario.
Save yourself a lot of future headaches: set up a test server, import the template, upgrade the server, export the template. Then you should be good to go with the newly exported template.