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Define variables for Build Definition ?

Dac Lan Khanh Nguyen (41186) | asked Jan 16 '08, 4:17 p.m.
In a Build Definition, I use relative paths to indicate files' location. For example, in the Ant Home field, I specified "..\..\..\..\..\apache-ant-1.7.0".

Is it possible that I can replace the prefix "..\..\..\..\.." by a variable like ${directory_prefix} , i.e. I can specify "${directory_prefix}\apache-ant-1.7.0" for the location of Ant ?

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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered Jan 16 '08, 8:38 p.m.
It is not currently possible to use variables as you describe.

It is something I've thought about and we may consider doing it in the

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Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team Build Lead

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