RR351 Essentials of IBM Rational Requirements Composer v2.0

Rational Learning Development is currently updating instructor-led courses for IBM Rational Requirements Composer, V2.0:
RR351 Essentials of IBM Rational Requirements Composer, V2.0
1 day
Release date:Early Q1, 2010
This course is a one-day instructor-led course designed to teach analysts and engineers how to use IBM Rational Requirements Composer to leverage the various techniques to capture, organize, validate, and manage requirements and requirements artifacts in a collaborative team environment.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1.Explain how requirements drive application lifecycle management
2.Create visual and textual requirements artifacts in Rational Requirements Composer
3.Analyze and organize requirements and artifacts
4.Collaborate on requirements in a team environment
5.Manage requirements in the application lifecycle
Feel free to contact me directly or simply post your thoughts in this topic thread if you have any questions.
RR351 Essentials of IBM Rational Requirements Composer, V2.0
1 day
Release date:Early Q1, 2010
This course is a one-day instructor-led course designed to teach analysts and engineers how to use IBM Rational Requirements Composer to leverage the various techniques to capture, organize, validate, and manage requirements and requirements artifacts in a collaborative team environment.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1.Explain how requirements drive application lifecycle management
2.Create visual and textual requirements artifacts in Rational Requirements Composer
3.Analyze and organize requirements and artifacts
4.Collaborate on requirements in a team environment
5.Manage requirements in the application lifecycle
Feel free to contact me directly or simply post your thoughts in this topic thread if you have any questions.