ReqIF issue in RDNG

Accepted answer

Hello Vani,
DNG officially supports the handling of ReqIf files that are exported from DOORS (which basically means that importing ReqIf files that were exported from DOORS is a tested scenario, but exchanging data with ReqIf files from other tools is not a tested scenario). On the other hand we do aim to respect the ReqIf interchange format specification per
What you can try is import your ReqIf file first into DOORS, then export the resulting module as ReqIf from DOORS and import that into DNG. Does this result in correct formatting?

What you can try is import your ReqIf file first into DOORS, then export the resulting module as ReqIf from DOORS and import that into DNG. Does this result in correct formatting?
No, Same issue

Hi Vani,
In that case I suggest that you open a ticket with support and, if possible, add both the original ReqIf and the one from DOORS to the ticket so support can reproduce the problem and investigate the cause. Additionally add a screenshot of what it looks like in DOORS to visualize the expected result.