[closed] RQM: How to generate xml for a Command Line Test script using URL Utility
I wanted to copy a Command Line + Manaul Test script from one server to another server, and URL utility not supporting for generating the xml for the Command Line test script, but supported for Manual script.
First I tired with Manual scripts, all manual script copied to new server.
Now I stuck with Command Line script copy, before copy that into new server, I have to add few more details in the xml file, that is reason I have used URL Utility., Copy Utility we don't have an option to update the file before import into the new server.
Can you anyone please let me know how we can generate xml file for the Command Line Test Script?
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Other - User got the answer" by nrmuralidhar Jul 30 '20, 8:36 p.m.
Sunil Kumar
Jul 23 '20, 3:33 a.m.