How to create RM Artifact in REST API
I've been successful in creating both test scripts and test cases, but I can't figure out how to create a RM Artifact. I'd like to do similar to what I did with the test script/cases. For example: I queried for an existing test case using a GET to "/service/<project>/testcase/<id>". I then edited the response xml to contain data for the new test case I'd like to create and performed a POST with it. Is is possible to do something similar with a an Artifact. To be specific I'm attempting to make the type="Test Point" with a format="Text". I'm pretty sure what I'm missing is the url, probably something like "/service/".
One answer
Looks like I need to use something like the rauth module in python instead of the requests module. Can anyone confirm? Is the only way to interact with artifacts is via OAuth? I was able to read/create/update test case/scripts without this additional step.
Requests definitely works with Jazz, although I've only used it for form authorisation and as they say other types of authorisation are available, e.g. oidc when using Jazz Authorisation Server, but that just ends up as a slighly different sort of form auth.
In fact the best tactic for login is not to do an explicit login but for each request check for an authrequired header in the response and do the login, then replay the original request. This then automatically logs you in when your authentication expires in 2/6/whatever hours.