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Is it possible to rename RM, QM and CCM artifact containers if I have to rename the LPA?

Ravi Gollapudi (37121) | asked May 14 '20, 10:50 a.m.
I have just created a LPA with RM, QM and CCM containers with a wrong name. I have to correct the names now.
I can change the names of project areas in individual applications, but not the artifact containers.
There are no artifacts yet in any of the project areas, so I am not worried about bookmarks and links.

Is there a way to rename the artifact containers as well, or is recreating the while LPA the only option?

Accepted answer

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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered May 15 '20, 4:36 a.m.
edited May 15 '20, 7:10 a.m.
Hi Ravi

Yes you can rename RM/QM components - and if you change the project or component names there is no impact on bookmarks/links.

In RM to rename you go to the project dashboard, then click on the gear icon->Manage Components and Configurations - this will open for the current component you have selected - it's not very obvious as there's no pencil icon but by clicking the component name you can edit it. Click Browse Components to go to other components and rename them.

You might want to also change the name of the default streams in the components you rename because the stream name includes the original project/component name - you can also do this in that same Manage Components and Configurations area, navigate within the component to the stream and you can click the stream name to edit it.

In QM, go to the same gear->Manage Components and Configurations - it looks different but you can click the pencil menu against a component->Edit Component and then change the name. Stream names are all visible here to edit too.

Ravi Gollapudi selected this answer as the correct answer

Ravi Gollapudi commented May 15 '20, 12:20 p.m.

That's a very clear answer. Thanks Ian.

One other answer

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Stefan Oblinger (185213) | answered May 16 '20, 3:45 a.m.

At least for CCM, the artifact container will not be renamed if you rename the project area. This is an annoying defect that will not be fixed: 137331: The Artifact Container field of project link descriptions does not update when project names change

Better recreate your project areas, if you can.

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