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How to sync up users between LDAP and RQM?

Sandra Chen (36131) | asked Nov 12 '09, 12:08 a.m.
Hi there,

Can you please advise how to re-import users from LDAP to update Email details.

We have a number of users who were imported into the RQM system before their email addresses were added in our active Directory. These email addresses have been updated in our LDAP but now the users are in the RQM system doesn't reflect there email address.

Users of our RQM who have been imported without email address can't access the RQM projects.

How do we update the email address for those users who show up in the User administration views with an email address of Unknown?

Thank you and regards,


3 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Nov 12 '09, 1:53 a.m.
Hello Sandra,
such server / LDAP synchronization if possible OOTB using the LDAP
nightly sync task:


sandrach a crit :
Hi there,

Can you please advise how to re-import users from LDAP to update Email

We have a number of users who were imported into the RQM system before
their email addresses were added in our active Directory. These email
addresses have been updated in our LDAP but now the users are in the
RQM system doesn't reflect there email address.

Users of our RQM who have been imported without email address can't
access the RQM projects.

How do we update the email address for those users who show up in the
User administration views with an email address of Unknown?

Thank you and regards,


permanent link
Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Nov 12 '09, 8:19 a.m.
I chatted with Sandra and provided the solution.

The Customer needs to fix the user property mapping and run the nightly sync task. The nightly sync task runs at 1AM every morning. They can also run repotools -syncUsers to sync the user records with LDAP.

--- Balaji

Hello Sandra,
such server / LDAP synchronization if possible OOTB using the LDAP
nightly sync task:


sandrach a crit :
Hi there,

Can you please advise how to re-import users from LDAP to update Email

We have a number of users who were imported into the RQM system before
their email addresses were added in our active Directory. These email
addresses have been updated in our LDAP but now the users are in the
RQM system doesn't reflect there email address.

Users of our RQM who have been imported without email address can't
access the RQM projects.

How do we update the email address for those users who show up in the
User administration views with an email address of Unknown?

Thank you and regards,


permanent link
Sandra Chen (36131) | answered Nov 13 '09, 2:11 a.m.
Thank you guys. User confirmed the nightly sync job works well.

Thank you both again.

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