what happened to http://jazz.net//library/LearnItem.jsp?href=content/docs/source-control/remotedev/index.html
One of our user'ss was referencing http://jazz.net//library/LearnItem.jsp?href=content/docs/source-control/remotedev/index.html as part to his work in customizing their RTC processes. Today the link is gone.
<o:p> </o:p>
Accepted answer
Hi Norman;
One other answer
Unless you get an answer here, go to the bottom of a jazz.net page, and click on Contact.
One of our groups that is in the progress of onboarding to JAZZ was using it in trying to create a permission model around streams . They want to control who has read access to certain components in a stream while having write access to others. As it is it does not appear to be a simple config option and appears they've have to continually update their project process to add advisors/participants to control this behavior.