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Delivering change sets automatically between streams from a

Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | asked Nov 10 '09, 9:53 a.m.
Hi, I am playing around with following scenario: I have different
development streams for different teams, each one using its own SCM
component. And I have an integration single stream for all of them with
all SCM components.

As nightly and continuous build I would like to refresh automatically
integration stream's components with the content of same components in
each development stream. The way I found to do it, is manually point all
repositories workspace to integration stream and deliver change sets.
Another manual way to do it is open integration stream and replace each
component with current baseline of each development stream.

But I would like an automatically way to do it from the build script.
BTW, all development streams flow to the integration stream in its
definition but nothing happens (it seems it is a descriptive filed
instead a functional one).

Amy help or suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


11 answers

permanent link
Gary Mullen-Schultz (28725536) | answered Jun 29 '10, 3:47 p.m.
Chemi, could you please send me your scripts? They don't come through here in the forums.

garymu (at)

Thanks, Gary

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