OSLC query for rtc_cm:plannedFor not working
I am trying to query workitems for a certain iteration. Therefore I search for the simple query URL and append the query as follows:
https://<host>/jazz/oslc/contexts/<context>/workitems?oslc_cm.query=rtc_cm:plannedFor="<iterationID>" and dc:type="com.ibm.team.apt.workItemType.story"&oslc_cm.properties=dc:title,rtc_cm:com.ibm.team.workitem.linktype.parentworkitem.parent,rtc_cm:com.ibm.team.workitem.linktype.parentworkitem.children
I also encode the string to URL, so that colon etc. are escaped.
The result is the same as I would not append the query and only send a GET request with the simple URL. Does anybody know the reason why this query is not working?
I try this query on Jazz RTC version 4.0.6
Hope for a response.
Kind Regards