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If a changeset has been discarded or not

Param S (2711) | asked Sep 17 '19, 6:16 a.m.

Is it possible through plain client Java API, to know if a changeset in a workitem, is discarded or not? I only have link to the workitem from the changeset.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 17 '19, 7:42 a.m.

In the context of a work item "Discarded" does not seem to make sense as a characteristic of a change set. I am also not sure if "Discarded" is any meaningful characteristic.

As far as I know you can discard a change set from a configuration such as a component in a repository workspace or stream. The change set is then removed from this specific configuration (if possible). But the change set is still in the system and might be in the context of another stream. 

So I am not sure that what you try makes sense. Also it is unclear, why you would even try to do this. What is the purpose, the benefit, the reason? 

Geoffrey Clemm commented Sep 17 '19, 12:42 p.m. | edited Oct 23 '19, 1:53 p.m.

As Ralph says "discard this change set", it is just something that you can do to a workspace, and has no implication about the presence or absence of that change set in any other workspace/stream in the system.  So it is extremely unlikely that the question "has this change set ever been discarded from any workspace" is of any value.

Also note that "suspended" is a relationship between a user and a change set.  So you could iterate over all users, and ask what change sets they have suspended, but that could be a very expensive operation if you have a lot of users in your system.   So Ralph's last question is important ... why would you want to do this? 

Param S commented Oct 21 '19, 1:59 p.m.

Well we needed to create a report of which changesets linked to one or more workitems have been discarded/suspended. 

However when I informed the Product Owner of the technical infeasibility, he agreed to drop the idea and we stuck with suspended changesets.

Thank you!

David Lafreniere commented Oct 23 '19, 1:19 p.m.

Note: Just because a change set is suspended somewhere, does not imply that the change set does not exist in a repository workspace or that it was never delivered to the stream I.e. You can be in a situation where you see 'ChangeSetX' in the Suspended list, but it also could exist in that repository workspace (ex: in the Outgoing folder), or it could also exist in the stream (flow target), or both.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Oct 23 '19, 1:57 p.m.

Note that the question "why would you want this report" was not answered ... if the Product Owner got an indication that some user has suspended a particular change set (from one of their workspaces), why would information be of value to the Product Owner?    

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