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I want to Use a Utility to Send Daily Defect List in Email in RTC

Mohit Agrawal (111) | asked Sep 12 '19, 2:51 a.m.

 I want to Use a Utility to Send Daily Defect List in Email in RTC

I want to have an automated email with List of defects based on Criteria preselected, is there any utility already available, how can i get reports integrated with Jenkins job to get the email?

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 18 '19, 1:36 a.m.
Honestly, I think this is not a good use of your time and would rather suggest to use a dashboard to convey this information like any one else does.

However, you could look if helps. 

Alternatively it would be possible to use the work item command line to run a query and to export the query result as CSV. You could process the CSV and compose an e-mail from the data.

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