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Descriptive definitions of the RTC Editors

Shelby Phillips (29624621) | asked Nov 05 '09, 2:16 p.m.
Can you please provide more details around what each of the editors are used for below? Also please confirm which of these is used when a New Work Item is created from the Planning view.

* Work Item Editor primary editor
* Inline Work Item Editor inline editor in the query results of the Web UI
* Lightweight Work Item Creation Dialog presentation section in Deliver and Resolve wizard
* Plan Editor Preview plan preview used for the plan editor preview pane (Eclipse client) and the inline editor in the plan (Web UI)

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Marcel Bihr, Jazz Work Item team (1.4k) | answered Nov 09 '09, 6:16 a.m.
There are no more details, the presentation configurations are used as you described it.
About the planning view: in the eclipse client you can either create a work item really inline, it will show the columns that are currently visible in the plan and additionally the description. There is no presentation configuration for that. Or you can also use the plan preview where you get the presentations configured for the Plan Editor Preview presentations. In the Web/UI the Plan Editor Preview presentations are always used for new work items.


Jazz Work Item team

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