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Support for Adobe Flash in CLM applications

Andre Gusmao (802640) | asked Sep 03 '19, 3:14 p.m.

I would like to know if CLM applications (RTC, RQM, RDNG) still offer support for Adobe Flash Player.

Some dashboard widgets require the use of Flash Player to display graphs in Firefox. Up until 6.0.6 these widgets still exist (see attachments).
In Chrome these graphs are no longer shown. Instead of graphs, the widgets will display the same information as a table (see attachments).

Adobe has announced that Adobe Flash will reach end of life April 9, 2020.

If CLM no longer offers support for Adobe Flash Player, I would like to know what is the last version that still offers support for Adobe Flash Player.
If CLM still offers support for Adobe Flash Player, I would like to know when CLM will stop supporting it.


Accepted answer

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Leonardo Benevides (266628) | answered Sep 03 '19, 3:39 p.m.
Adobe Flash Player is utilized by the RTC Work Item Statistics dashboard viewlet. Although previous versions of Flash may work with RTC, it is HIGHLY recommended that Adobe Flash Player be upgraded to at least, because of the recently discovered security vulnerabilities in Flash.

So yes, CLM still offering support for Adobe Flash Player in its latest version
Andre Gusmao selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Sep 03 '19, 5:32 p.m.

Flash is being removed in the release currently under development inĀ  [CCM] Replace flash charting engine in Tracking and Planning dashboard widgets

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