Missing Floating license Type choice

Our customer is using RTC Standart with floating licenses.
They have 30 developer and 5 contributer licences.
We have also configured LDAP but did not assigned default license id.
We have connected to the license server, added the all licenses.
In License Key management:
We can see the added licenses in Floating License Server part but we can not see the "Floating Developer" type in the list of Client Access License Type part.
And also we can not see the Floating Developer choice in the active user page to check it as a Floating Developer.
What can be the problem?
Our customer is using RTC Standart with floating licenses.
They have 30 developer and 5 contributer licences.
We have also configured LDAP but did not assigned default license id.
We have connected to the license server, added the all licenses.
In License Key management:
We can see the added licenses in Floating License Server part but we can not see the "Floating Developer" type in the list of Client Access License Type part.
And also we can not see the Floating Developer choice in the active user page to check it as a Floating Developer.
What can be the problem?
One answer

I had the same problem, the floating licenses would not appear in the "Client Access Licenses" section for adding new users. On the JAZZ server, I went to "License key Management", and it showed we have 11 actived floating licenses. However, in the section above: "Server Activation Key", the property "Floating License Server" was not configured. I selected "connect", pointed it to my server, and problem was solved. This was configured properly when we were using version 2.0, but somehow this configuration parameter did not carry over when we upgraded to