RQM REST API for a testcase inside Test Suite which are snapshoted
Dear Team,
I have a test suite which has few cases inside it. I have created a snapshot of test suite, which has also created snapshot-ted test cases inside it. Now I would like to have REST API to fetch the snapshot-ted test cases belong to the test suite. I have the test suite ID and snapshot ID.
I have this API URL, which gives me details of snapshot-ted test suite. The response from this API has the test case URL,but it is not the URL of snapshot-ted test case.
Please let me know the REST API URL to fetch the snapshot-ted test cases inside snapshot-ted test suite.
Kindly help me at the earliest.
One answer
See the PROPFIND method under the list of available Methods in the Reportable REST API Wiki
Yes,i know propfind method. I have implemented the same to get the list of snapshots .But here in this case,i know the test suite id and test suite snapshot id. I would like to get the test cases (snapshot-ted) inside the snapshot-ted test suite. Please provide me the Rest API or how does the url look like for snapshot -ted test cases inside the snapshot-ted test suite ?
Please help me at the earliest.