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Can not stop the RTC by running command "server.shutdown"

YangPeng Zhang (111) | asked Apr 18 '19, 11:36 p.m.
edited Apr 19 '19, 8:09 a.m. by Fariz Saracevic (919613)
There are RTC environment installed by Websphere Liberty and Rational Build Engine in one server. The Build Engine was running by this RTC. Every time we try to stop the RTC by command "server.shutdown" when the Build Engine is running, it is always hung and shows 'shutdown failed' in the message.log .

Was this issue caused by Build Engine building Jobs? And if there are some configurations that make the RTC down forcibly by running 'server.shutdown'?

YangPeng Zhang commented Apr 19 '19, 1:56 a.m. | edited Apr 19 '19, 8:28 a.m.
In addition:
Would it affect the RTC's shutdown if the Build Engine is starting? Or is there any other factors that could affect the shutdown of RTC?

Geoffrey Clemm commented Apr 19 '19, 1:04 p.m.

When you say "The Build Engine was running by this RTC", I assume you mean that you started the Build Engine on the same host where you are running the RTC server, so the RTC server and the Build Engine are running on the same host.

I have done that before, and have had no problem stopping the RTC server, so unless someone else on the forum has seen this behavior, I'd suggest contacting IBM Support.

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