Traditional/Formal Scheduling with Split Task

I am working with the scheduler in a traditional project to determine our "best practices" for the division.
I didn't think the Traditional Scheduler would split (overlap) tasks for a single person, but I seem to have one in my plan. I think this is a GOOD thing - but I'm not sure why it did. Does anyone know why the scheduler split this task? (I don't think there's any pertinent attributes left out - theres no time spent on any of the tasks, and you can see the rankings for each).
So why did it overlap Task 2.A.4 (S NET) in the below image? Again, I think this is a good thing and would like to give instructions on how to do it.
(It seems like I can't attach images ... so no example).
RTC 6.0.3
Accepted answer

Hi Dennis,
I think, if a user owns multiple tasks and changes multiple tasks into in progress, these show as if the are executing in parallel. I do not know how plausible the duration it shows is. I know that the traditional scheduler is very limited and a lot of things that can be done in tools like MSProject are not available and where never planned to be available.