LQE Authentication Programmatically
Trying to programmatically (C#) execute a SPARQL Query via the endpoint, but I am unable to get authorized.
I've authenticated through /rm and received my JAZZ_AUTH_TOKEN and have tried to add that cookie to my request to /lqe, this does not work.
Through exploration I have found when a user authenticates to LQE through a browser, jazz gives you a cookie called 'lqe.authIdentifier' which when i hard code into my request to LQE works.
Has anyone has been able to get this cookie programmatically?
3 answers
For examples on how to authenticate for APIs, I have written to blog posts, one addressing Oauth1.0a and the other OIDC based. Using these you should be able to pass authentication into your API requests - https://michaelrowe01.com/index.php/day-job/ibm-elm/api-authentication-method-in-elm-oauth-1-0a/ and https://michaelrowe01.com/index.php/day-job/ibm-elm/api-authentication-method-in-elm-oidc/
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 26 '20, 10:56 a.m.What version of Jazz/lqe? What authentication method is your server you using? LDAP directly from JTS? LDAP through JAS?