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HTTP 502 serer hangup error when jenkins uses RTC SCM caching servers

Karthik Krishnan (8845119163) | asked Feb 21 '19, 12:42 a.m.

 We have setup a RTC Proy serer based on Apache Traffic server. This proxy is mainly for jenkins builds which uses SCM to fetch data and build.

many a time this error pops up in the logs but this seems temporary. 
What could be the reason for this and any tips on how this can be fixed?
FATAL: RTC : checkout failure: CRJAZ0098E The following service failed:{/ccm/service/}. The server returned the HTTP error 502 with this error text: Server Hangup.

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 21 '19, 6:34 a.m.

Which logs does it pop up in, Kathik? 

One answer

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Richard Watts (362) | answered Feb 21 '19, 9:40 a.m.

 It looks like you are getting a bad gateway error. This typically occurs because the origin server failed to respond. This could be caused by downtime or a network issue.

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