How to progaramatically extend the context menus of a project / team area in the RTC "Team Organization" View

I want to create a plugin which "copies" all users and their roles from a project / team area to another project / team area.
The idea is to add a menu item (for example, "Copy users and their roles") in the popup menu of a project / team area in the RTC "Team Organization" view and then select a the destination project / team area in the "Team Organization" view and press on a custom menu item (for example, "Paste users and their roles") of the popup menu there.
As a result all users and their roles from the source project / team area to be assigned to the destination project / team area.
The RTC version is 6.0.6.
Is that possible and can you provide me a hint how to do it?
I have gone through the article "Adding Context Menus for Jazz Objects to the RTC Eclipse Client", but I am not able to get the project / team area tree item class using YARI as it looks like the class is internal.
I've also read about domain extension mechanisms but I am not sure how to apply it.
One answer

This is basically an Eclipse Extension question and you should search for this kind of content.

I've gone through this example and tested it.
However when I tried to apply the same approach for a team/project area tree item in the "Team Organization" view and get their class with YARI, their class is something like class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy43.
One other question: How can assign a user with a role to team area programmatically?
Is there an straightforward example?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Try using Plugin Spy SHIFT+ALT+F1.
The plain java client library snippets (included in the download) have an example. also.