How can I retrieve files from a changeset using the Java API?
I am trying to extract the files of a changeset using the Java API to the filesystem but haven't found a single reference in the forum for doing that. Is the approach supposed to be to load a workspace and then copy out the files from the paths contained in the changeset? Or is there a way to directly extract the files? I seem to remember seeing something about the latter method but I can't find anything.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Accepted answer
Here some clues: Getting an IFileItem
IChangeSet changeSet = (IChangeSet); if (changeSet == null) { // It's possible that we don't have read access to this change // set? continue; } for (IChange change : (List<ichange>) changeSet.changes()) { IVersionableHandle after = change.afterState(); IVersionable item = (IVersionable) scmService.fetchState(after, null, null); if (item instanceof IFileItem) { IFileItem fileItem = (IFileItem) item;Getting the data for an IFileItem is here:</ichange>
Some more here:
How to get the ISCMService in a Plain Java Client is explained here: