How i will use custom attribute for auto creation of a snapshot on stream after deliver change sets to it.(only for few stream not for all the stream which is present on server.

I'm writing an operation( participant that auto creates a snapshot for stream after deliver change sets to it.
but i don't want this feature for all the stream, i want for 2 to 3 stream as per user selection. How i will use custom attribute for this requirment.
Below sample code will applicable for create snapshot for all the stream:
public class AutoTakeSnapshotParticipant extends AbstractService implements IOperationParticipant {
public void run(AdvisableOperation operation,
IProcessConfigurationElement participantConfig,
IParticipantInfoCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
try {
//Check if is necessary to create snapshot
Object operationData = operation.getOperationData();
boolean isCheck = false;
DeliverOperationData data = null;
IScmDeltaSource deltaSrc = null;
if(operationData instanceof DeliverOperationData )
data = (DeliverOperationData) operationData;
isCheck = true;
} else if( operationData instanceof IScmDeltaSource ) {
deltaSrc = (IScmDeltaSource) operationData;
isCheck = true;
if (!isCheck) {
//Get Service I need
IRepositoryItemService rService = getService(IRepositoryItemService.class);
IScmService scm = getService(IScmService.class);
if (data != null) {
IWorkspace destWs = data.getDestWorkspace();
if (destWs.isStream()) {
Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
WorkspaceItemListResult result = scm.createBaselineSet2(destWs, new IComponentHandle[0],
d.toString(), d.toString() + "SnapShot", NONE,
null, null, null);
// WorkspaceRefreshParameter wrp = IScmService.DELTA_PER_INVOCATION;
//scm.refreshWorkspaces(new WorkspaceRefreshParameter[] {wrp}, null);
if (!result.getItems().isEmpty()) {
IBaselineSet baselineSet = (IBaselineSet) result.getItems().get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
collector.addInfo(collector.createExceptionInfo("Exception Occurs in follow-up action: " + e.getMessage(), e));
One answer

IWorkspace.getCustomAttributes(); is the API to call on both the client and server to get (read) the custom attributes on a stream. This list will only return the custom attributes that were set on that stream, and not return a list of every custom attribute that is available for stream item types.
If you want to 'set' custom attributes on a Stream using server code, see:
IWorkspaceHandle stream,
IGenericAttributes attributesToAdd,
String[] attributesToRemove,
ISynchronizationTimes[] syncTimes,
IRepositoryProgressMonitorHandle monitor)
IGenericAttributes attributesToAdd,
String[] attributesToRemove,
ISynchronizationTimes[] syncTimes,
IRepositoryProgressMonitorHandle monitor)
If you want to 'set' custom attributes on a Stream using client-side code, see:
Map<String, Object> attributesToAdd,
String[] attributesToRemove,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
You can also manually use the SCM command-line (CLI) to set specific custom attributes on specific stream.
Also in RTC 6.0.6 there is some UI right in the Snapshot editor that allow you to manage (add/edit/remove) custom attributes on that stream.
Also, see the following article by Ralph that shows programming examples related to SCM custom attributes:
In RTC 6.0.6, server-side API was added to IScmService that will return the list of custom attributes that are available on a given project area.
The API and Javadoc is shown below:
* Return the defined custom attribute identifiers for the given type in the given project area.
* @param projectArea
The project area. Never {@code null}.
* @param artifactType
The artifact type. One of:
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_FILE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_STREAM}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE_SET}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#COMPONENT}</li>
* @param monitor
A repository progress monitor, may be {@code null} if
progress reporting and cancellation is not required.
* @return the defined attribute identifiers.
* @throws TeamRepositoryException
* @since (RTC 6.0.6)
* @see CustomAttributeConstants
public String[] getDefinedCustomAttributeIdentifiers(
* Return the defined custom attribute identifiers for the given type in the given project area.
* @param projectArea
The project area. Never {@code null}.
* @param artifactType
The artifact type. One of:
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_FILE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_STREAM}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE_SET}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#COMPONENT}</li>
* @param monitor
A repository progress monitor, may be {@code null} if
progress reporting and cancellation is not required.
* @return the defined attribute identifiers.
* @throws TeamRepositoryException
* @since (RTC 6.0.6)
* @see CustomAttributeConstants
public String[] getDefinedCustomAttributeIdentifiers(
IProjectAreaHandle projectArea,
int artifactType,
IRepositoryProgressMonitorHandle monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException;
throws TeamRepositoryException;
In RTC 6.0.6, client-side API was added to IWorkspaceManager that will return the list of custom attributes that are available on a given project area.
The API and Javadoc is shown below:
* Return the defined custom attribute identifiers for the given type in the given project area.
* @param projectArea
The project area. Never {@code null}.
* @param artifactType
The artifact type. One of:
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_FILE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_STREAM}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE_SET}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#COMPONENT}</li>
* @param monitor
A progress monitor, or {@code null} if progress reporting is not desired.
* @return the defined attribute identifiers.
* @throws TeamRepositoryException
* @LongOp This is a long operation; it may block indefinitely; must not be
called from a responsive thread.
* @since (RTC 6.0.6)
public String[] getDefinedCustomAttributeIdentifiers(
* Return the defined custom attribute identifiers for the given type in the given project area.
* @param projectArea
The project area. Never {@code null}.
* @param artifactType
The artifact type. One of:
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_FILE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_STREAM}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#ARTIFACT_BASELINE_SET}</li>
<li>{@link CustomAttributeConstants#COMPONENT}</li>
* @param monitor
A progress monitor, or {@code null} if progress reporting is not desired.
* @return the defined attribute identifiers.
* @throws TeamRepositoryException
* @LongOp This is a long operation; it may block indefinitely; must not be
called from a responsive thread.
* @since (RTC 6.0.6)
public String[] getDefinedCustomAttributeIdentifiers(
IProjectAreaHandle projectArea,
int type,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException;
David Lafreniere
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 04 '18, 11:40 a.m.Himresha d
Sep 05 '18, 2:49 a.m.@David Lafreniere
my Question is how i will get custom attribute value are only available on Streams and not Repository Workspaces. these are pre-defined by a Project Administrator in the Project Area configuration page (in the Web UI).
When you open the Web UI Project Area configuration page, on the left hand navigator, click 'Source Control' --> 'Attribute Definition' and confirm that there are custom attributes available for a Stream.
i want to get those value via java API for server side plugin, how i will get those values? few lines of code can help here a lot.