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JAVA API to retrieve repository url from the sandbox

praveen hanchinamani (27312) | asked Aug 20 '18, 3:17 a.m.
edited Aug 20 '18, 3:54 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)


We are using RTC 6.0.5.

Problem : 

Someone has loaded a component from RTC into local sandbox.

As a different user(different from one who loaded the compoenent), i have access to this sandbox and i want to know
from which repository server and from which component this sandbox has been loaded.

Is there any java/REST API to find out, to which repository server and to which component this local sandbox belongs to?

Thanks in advance,

Accepted answer

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Aug 20 '18, 3:53 p.m.

There is no Java/REST API that is available to gather this information. There is an unofficial way to manually find out which repository this is from however. Navigate to <sandbox>/.jazz5 and open up the binary file called '.descriptors.dat' in a text reader and search for "http", this should reveal the repository URL that the content was loaded from. Somewhere to the right of that you should also see the name of the repository workspace that it was loaded from (Note: be aware that it's possible the repository workspace has since been renamed or deleted from the repo however)

praveen hanchinamani selected this answer as the correct answer

praveen hanchinamani commented Aug 21 '18, 1:41 a.m.

Thank you David.

That was a helpful answer.

Marko Tomljenovic commented Sep 13 '18, 8:28 a.m.

Hello David,

can you give me some more information about the binary format of the file?
In the RTC Client SDK I have not found any reference in the src code to the logic how this file is being persisted. 

David Lafreniere commented Sep 13 '18, 10:03 a.m.
Sorry, as mentioned there is no API/public/supported way to retrieve this information.
The .jazz5/.descriptors file is used internally to store metadata, as such you will NOT find any reference to this in the RTC Client SDK. Also, since this is a binary file, there's no way to verbally describe it's format. If you ignore all the jibberish if you open the file in a text reader (again because it's binary), you will see the text 'repositoryUriq', and after a bit of 'jibberish' you will see the repository url. This can be done manually if you 'really' need to figure out what repo the source came from.

Marko Tomljenovic commented Sep 14 '18, 2:55 a.m. | edited Sep 14 '18, 2:55 a.m.

There is an internal API. This file is a serialized instance of the class

It can be deserialized into a Java object using the SharingDescriptorsMap(File, boolean) constructor.

PS. I know it is internal API and it is my own risk if I use it and the API changes in future.

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