RTC 6.0.4 discard changeset using java API
I'm trying to discard a changeset using the java API in a custom Eclipse plugin.
I can discard it using the method:
IWorkspaceConnection.discardChangesets(boolean preflight, List<IChangesetHandle> css)
But this method will also complete all changesets before discard. Does anyone know a way to discard a changeset programmatically without completing it?
Accepted answer
There is no way to discard a change set and have it remained open. This is because in order to 'accept' a change set, it must be closed. This way after discarding it, if you decide you want it back, you can always search for the change set and accept it into your repository workspace..
You are correct! I have actually never noticed this. I though when you discarded a change-set, then it was deleted for good. But it is actually just completed and is still there when you search for it (or use show history - all in repository). Even if the change-set is empty, it is still there.