Best Way to Retrieve RQM Test Case Result - Result Details Info
I am using CLM suite 6.0.3, looking to upgrade soon to 6.0.6. Have access to JRS 6.0.3 and RPE 2.1.2.
I've been asking questions this week related to generating a fairly complex report, but thought I should think outside the box and ask the best possible way to retrieve the information I seek rather than assuming it would be through generating the report I have in mind. The report I have been requesting generates a table for every test case result included in a test plan. Each table would hold the information you would find in the "Result Details" tab of a test case result in the Web UI. The rows in each table would be defined by the number of test script steps found in the test case result, and the columns would be static for every table; showing information about each test script step result (script id, step number/result, actual result, attachments, comments, tester).
A simplified version of the information I need:
I am looking to find any test result script step which does not have a result of pass, AND is linked to a requirement. Simply, we are looking for requirements that do not pass. In our environment, this is reflected by the script step result that has requirement links and any result other than pass (deferred, blocked, inconclusive, error, failed). The scope for this information would be within a single test plan. I am open to all suggestions and greatly appreciate any advice.
Edit: As far as I can see, there is no way to query for this information within the CLM suite. Also, JRS doesnt seem to be granular enough to pull individual step results which leads me to believe the only way to retrieve this information out of the box would be through RPE.
Accepted answer
Hi Timothy,
This is possible in Report Builder using a LQE data source. Chose the QM Test Script Step Result artifact and add a required validates requirement relationship. Finally, add a QM Test Script Step Result condition where the Verdict is NOT passed.
After opening a support ticket with IBM, we realized this to be the the best solution for the output we require. The reason for the question was because I was having issues using LQE as a data source in JRS, which we found out may be due to underlying issues in our environment dealing with LQE. Thank you for the clarification.