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How to increase indent in visual display of module artifacts?

Michael Laurendi (1051845) | asked Jul 26 '18, 3:02 p.m.

I am using DNG 6.0.5, no Global Configuration.

Is there a way to customize the indent distance in a DNG Module?

I would like to increase the horizontal indent distance for the normal rows that are demoted (under) each heading row, and increase the indent of the artifacts below them (in the module hierarchy), and so on; in other words, change the visual display of module artifacts in browser window.

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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Jul 26 '18, 3:17 p.m.

Hello Michael,

In modules you can see a hierarchical structure.   So if you insert/create and artifact as a child in the module, you will see the child indented from it's parent. 

I hope this helps.

Michael Laurendi commented Jul 26 '18, 3:34 p.m.


Yes, that I understand, but can you change "how far in to the right" the child is indented?
Mine are indented, but only by a little bit.

Carol Watson commented Jul 26 '18, 3:46 p.m.


Our experience is also that the indentation is insufficient visually.   For example:

   child of child

We've resorted to adding Section to our views to make the hierarchy more visible. 

When someone removes an artifact from a module without realizing it has children, and ends up removing an entire section of a module, it's a nightmare.  Granted the base artifacts are still available but recreating the hierarchy from scratch for a large section is not pretty. 


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