Is there plan for integrating github issues with RTC?
3 answers
You can add GitHub issues as "Related Artifact" links to a RTC task or story. Is that what you are looking for? Could you elaborate on your use case?
Hello Mojgan,
If the question is whether there is an integration that allows Git issues to appear in RTC plans or RTC queries, the answer is "no", and that answer is unlikely to change. If the question is whether you can use RTC reporting against both RTC work items and Git issues, then that is something you could add yourself by creating a TRS feed for Git issues. I know there are some teams working on this (or at least, considering doing so), but I'm not aware of any having been released yet (please post, if you know of one).
Hello Geoffrey,
note, in addition to my answer above, about the OSS project for a RTC-GIT-Connector, we are working currently on an ETL/DCC Job which writes the required information of a linked GIT Artifact (Issue/Merge Request/Commit) into the DataWareHouse, so we can build traceability reports with Report Builder.
We have not yet decided if we also want to feed the data into LQE. Currently only our rich hover and Work Item presentation implementation has a an OSLC gateway service between RTC and GIT. All the rest is direct GIT API.
If you know other companies working on such integration's, or are building a full OSLC gateway, please motivate them to work with us on the Jazz-Community OSS projects.
Btw. The Git Commit information is already in LQE as well as in RTC-Query available, but in a bad format (a gzipped JSON). This is a Defect I wrote, but it was changed to an enhancement. I think it would be quite simple at least having this information available in a usable format within LQE.
Could you expand on what you mean by "RTC-Query available"? When I referred to RTC query in my answer above, I was referring to the RTC work item query mechanism, which to my knowledge, is not extensible to access information from other repositories. Perhaps you mean "queryable via LQE"? If so, I would call that LQE-Query available (:-).
Sorry my wording was not exact.
Yes, in RTC query you can query for the existence of links that are stored in RTC but point to artifacts in another repository (I consider those to be "RTC links" since RTC owns the link). My understanding is that RTC queries can only reference data that is in the RTC repository.