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how to get the files from merge changesets using client libraries ?

vinitha dsouza (14722135) | asked Jun 13 '18, 1:58 a.m.


currently i get the error like illegalargumentexception : while fetching the files from merged changeset ,Is there any API to get that ?

Following is the code where I use to get the files from the changesets :

              Change changedFile = (Change)changedFileObj;

                versionableHandle = changedFile.afterState();

                if(null != versionableHandle){

                    Object file = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(currentWIRepo).versionableManager().fetchCompleteState(versionableHandle, monitor);

currentWIRepo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(changeSet.getComponent(), IItemManager.DEFAULT, null)).getName());

                    if(file instanceof IFileItem){

                          filesList = filesList+((IFileItem) file).getName()+",";


                } else{

                     versionableHandle = changedFile.beforeState();        

                    Object file = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(currentWIRepo).versionableManager().fetchCompleteState(versionableHandle, monitor);

                    if(file instanceof IFileItem){

                           filesList = filesList+((IFileItem) file).getName()+"(-),";




  Please tell if any hint ?

David Lafreniere commented Jan 11 '19, 3:23 p.m.

Which line (or API call) was giving the IllegalArgumentException?

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